Hi, I am Mike Ruben

A young energetic person exploring the world

Who is Mike Ruben?

I am a 25 year old young adult traveling the world, looking for new experiences and learning along the way. I like to see new places, looking forward to new adventures and walking with a smile into the future.

Curriculum Vitae

My experience

In short, I have worked in the supermarket branche, the hospitality branche and I have some experience in the real estate sector. If you like to see what I have done in more detail, click the blue button with ´Curriculum Vitae´.

My characteristics

I am a person who always shows up. I work dedicated and hard. I like to learn new things when I get the chance. Not afraid to go the extra mile.

My hobbies

I love to drive my motorcycle. The way the wind goes through you is one of the best feelings. Going through the smallest roads also makes it easier.

Travelling is one of the things that makes me very happy. Exploring new places, meeting new people and seeing the most beautiful landscapes.

Going to the gym, pushing and pulling relaxes my mind and keeps the peace in my head.

My walking path

I am driven to gain more experience in the hospitality sector and also make a start in the direction of the music/clubs branche.

Therefore, I still have a lot to learn. So it is a good thing I am a curious person and not afraid to open myself up to learn new things.

More about me

I am originally from the Netherlands, near Amsterdam. I have lived there for more than 20 years. When I started my first year at university, I found out that studying with books was not my way. In the summerbreak, of school I took a shot at work in Spain. By any chance I got the job and in two months I learned how to operate a bar. After this experience I was so intrigued that the next year I moved out of the Netherlands and started a new life on Ibiza. Not only the new culture and work weighed in on this decision, I found love on the way too.


I try to hit the gym 6 times in the week when I am off work. Sometimes even twice a day


I am also familiar with these type of systems: Adobe Illustrater, Photoshop & Premiere Pro

Where I have been

Amsterdam (Netherlands), Ibiza (Spain), Rome (Italy), Leeds (UK) Auckland (NZ), Sydney (AUS)

My future motorcycle

If you look all the way down, on the right side, you will find my dream motorcycle

Happy Customers Served

Coffees Made

Cocktails Prepared

Hard Workers Guided

"Knowledge will give you power, but character respect."

-Bruce Lee


Here you can see content of: What I made, where I have worked and where I have traveled.

  • All
  • Cocktails
  • Travel
  • Places I worked


Where I live

Spain, Ibiza, 07800

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